New Directions

I’ve cracked open a big, scary door and I can’t see what is ahead, but I’m ready to take a chance and go through anyway.

I remember when my husband pointed out to me that people don’t write for fun like I do. It had never really occurred to me that something I love so much is often painful and best avoided for others.

I just love words; their shapes their sounds, stringing them together in creative ways to artfully convey meaning – heaven. I also love reading them and writers are the absolute rockstars of my world. To get to play with words all day and be paid for it? I can think of no better dream job.

But writers are rockstars and I am …not.

Or am I?

Opening the big scary door is about finding out the answer to that question. Stay tuned.

Follow my journey writing my first book Falling Out of Love With My Career here and over on Instagram @fallingoutoflovewithmycareer