I Love Lemons

I Love Lemons Karyn Shomler kc is me Recipes Are Merely a Suggestion

Lemons, fuck yeah. More versatile than you think too.

Of course the prime use is as a twist in my vodka martini, but that’s obvious.

I Love Lemons Karyn Shomler kc is me Recipes Are Merely a Suggestion

Other uses for a bit of that signature yellow brightness: Squeezed over roasted vegetables. In a mustard vinaigrette. Zested over steamed asparagus or broccoli. In dips like hummus or guacamole. In pestos and pistous. Might even be good in pea soup. Zested or juiced into chicken soup. Sweet stuff: lemon bars, lemon curd, lemon cheesecake.

I Love Lemons Karyn Shomler kc is me Recipes Are Merely a Suggestion

And make your own damn lemonade, plus or minus booze. Add the zest (that’s flavor, don’t trash it). Squeeze the juice (after zesting, much easier). Add water to desired level of tartness. Make a simple syrup (1:1 water and sugar, warm til dissolved then cool). Sweeten lemonade to taste with the simple syrup. Could even keep the sweetener separate so people can sweeten their own. Fuck that Country Time nonsense, just a can of chemicals.

KC Shomler aka kc is me

I Love Lemons Karyn Shomler kc is me Recipes Are Merely a Suggestion